Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between an Osteopath, Physiotherapist and a Chiropractor?

This is a very difficult question to answer as there are huge differences between individual osteopaths, let alone between the 3 professions. However my old friend Dr Bash Kaifi does give a pretty good explanation – click here.

Will Medicare pay for my treatment?

If you are eligible for a Medicare Care Plan, usually allowing 5 visits a year, and if your GP refers you with the correct paperwork upon payment of our fees we will provide you with an itemised receipt which you will be able to claim back a percentage of the cost. You will need to talk to Medicare about how much they will reimburse you. I regret that under the current system we can not “Bulk Bill” our clients.

Do you accept DVA and Work Cover referrals?

Both DVA and Work Cover require that you have a GP or Specialist referral letter and then we can arrange payment directly. If you have the correct paperwork then you can leave it to us to sort out.

Do I need a referral from my GP to see you?

You do not need a referral to see Dr Kingston, you simply need to telephone for an appointment. If you want to claim your treatment against a Medicare Care Plan or other Government Agency you need to talk to them first.  We are covered by all the major private health funds and can take a card payment at the time of your appointment.

How many treatments will I need?

Dr Kingstons’ aim is always to get you pain free and rehabilitated as fast as possible whenever possible. It is entirely dependent on what your problem is, your health and to what extent you will make the appropriate changes we suggest with regards your rehabilitation. If we are not the appropriate or best person to help you then we will recommend who is. In a simple non complicated case often 2 – 3 treatments is all that is required; but it really does depend upon the individual circumstances.

 You do not have to book extensive treatment plans in advance and will not be “signed up” for extensive “wellness care”. All we ask is that you give us 24 hours notice if you wish to discontinue your care.

What is the difference between Cranial Osteopathy and Craniosacral Therapy?

The title Osteopath is protected in law and all Osteopaths must be registered with AHPRA. This way you can be assured that they will have been trained to a high standard. The “Cranial” part is actually a system of Osteopathy that involves the treatment of the whole body not just the skull. It is usually considered a post graduate speciality that takes many long years to master. Dr Kingston was taught this as an undergraduate and continued his studies at the Osteopathic Centre for Children in London and on numerous post graduate courses taught by the very best in the World.


Cranio Sacral therapy is an offshoot of Osteopathy that was taught to non Osteopaths by Dr John Upledger. There are many first class practitioners who practice this way and I have studied with one of the best – Dr Franklin Sills of the Karuna Institute.

Is Osteopathic treatment dangerous or painful?

Osteopathic treatment should not be painful. Dr Kingston does not advocate “no pain, no gain” in fact he believes its utter nonsense.  If you are already in pain then it can be uncomfortable initially but very soon that discomfort should ease.

Following treatment you might be sore for a few days or in very rare cases a flare up of symptoms may occur. However if this is likely we will have discussed this with you prior to treatment.

In terms of safety, Osteopathy has an outstanding safety record and is far safer than taking  over the counter medication. It is very important that you provide us with a full account of your medical, trauma, surgical and long term medication history as this helps us to design a more specific treatment plan. There are certain conditions that make Osteopathic treatment unsuitable and in such cases we will recommend you to a more suitable practitioner.

Your involvement and your consent is a very important part of your treatment programme. We will explain our findings, recommendations, explain any risks and once you are happy to proceed you give your consent.

Will I have to undress?

We usually will ask you to undress down to your underwear but we are very careful to protect your modesty and will have special gowns, shorts and private changing facilities available for you. It is very important to us that you feel safe and comfortable during your time with us.

You certainly will be in a private room and your privacy is very important to us. We do not have open plan “treatment rooms”.

Do you provide a chaperone?

We are happy if any of our female clients wish to bring a chaperone with them. We do insist that all children under the age of 18 are accompanied by a responsible adult and that that adult must stay in the room at all times.


How long are the appointments?

The first time you see us is a consultation appointment which we allocate an hour for.  We take a case history, examine you, reach a diagnosis and if time allows we will usually treat you.

Subsequent appointments are treatment sessions and they last between 20 – 30 minutes.

Do you really treat new born babies?

Dr Kingston has been treating new born and very young babies for over 20 years and this is an area of interest for him.

Can you help me?

All cases are individual and only after taking your case history and examining you can we give you an accurate answer to this question.

Contact us

If you have any other questions please contact us